Amend/File Missing Returns in Irvine

Tax Alliance - Amend/File Missing Returns in Irvine, California

Need Help Filing Missing Returns?

If you have old tax returns that have not been filed, we have a proven process to help you get back on track with the IRS. Tax Alliance can conduct a confidential examination on your behalf to confirm what years need to be filed.

There are a million reasons taxpayers have not filed their tax returns. Whether you are missing one year or have not filed for ten, we can have your returns completed with every permitted write-off you have. If you are not in compliance, you MUST contact us today to ensure you get in good standing with the IRS as soon as possible.

There are times when you should amend your return and times when you should not. Here are some typical circumstances that call for an amendment:

  • You realized you missed out on claiming a tax deduction or credit.
  • You mistakenly claimed the wrong tax filing status.
  • You need to include or remove a dependent.
  • You neglected to claim taxable income on your tax return.
  • You realize you claimed an expense, deduction or credit that you weren't qualified to claim.

Taxpayers are required by law to file an income tax return for any kind of year in which a filing demand exists. There are numerous practical factors to file tax returns. Necessary programs like federal aid to college call for candidates to submit copies of income tax returns to get loans. Loan providers also might require duplicates of filed returns for buying a home or financing a business.

The filing of tax returns can have an incredible effect on your future. An individual's lifetime earnings as reported to the IRS and the Social Security Administration are the basis for Social Security retirement and disability benefits in addition to Medicare. Noted revenue is also the resource for state benefits such as unemployment compensation as well as industrial insurance policy.

You usually do not need to file an amended return if you discover math or clerical errors on a recently filed tax return. The IRS will typically correct those types of mistakes on its own and, if necessary, send you a bill for the additional tax due or a refund if the error was in your favor.

Prior to filing an amended return, make sure the IRS has already processed the tax return you need to amend. That way, you can make sure the IRS will not get your original return and amended return mixed up. If you've already received your tax refund, then you know the IRS has already processed your return.

Just keep in mind that the IRS limits the amount of time you have to file an amended return to claim a refund to:

  • Within three years from the original filing deadline, or
  • Within two years of paying the tax due for that year, if that date is later.

If you're beyond that window, you can not claim a refund by amending your return.


To learn more about Amend/File Missing Returns in Irvine, California, get in touch with Tax Alliance. Visit our website:, or call us at 800.987.3051 for more details. Let's Resolve Your Tax Debt Today!


Efficiency through Automation!

Because of advancements in our technology, we are able to communicate with the IRS electronically, its as if we are in the same office! Faster service and more cost effective!

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If you are not happy with our tax services within the initial 21 days, we will give you a 100% refund of services rendered, no questions asked!

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Efficiency through Automation!

Because of advancements in our technology, we are able to communicate with the IRS electronically, its as if we are in the same office! Faster service and more cost effective!

Our Money Back Guarantee!

If you are not happy with our tax services within the initial 21 days, we will give you a 100% refund of services rendered, no questions asked! We help our clients nationwide!

Price Match Guarantee

You find it, we will match it! Tax Alliance will match and beat (by 10%) any competitive offer. Contact our office today and receive a free no obligation tax consultation.

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